Sr.No | Title | Document |
1 | Internal Quality Assurance Cell | Internal Quality Assurance Cell.jpeg |
2 | Anti Ragging Committee | Antiragging Committee.jpeg |
3 | Governing Body | Governing Body.jpg |
4 | College Development Committee | College Development Committee.jpg |
5 | Research Advisory Committee | Research Advisory Committee.pdf |
6 | Internal Complaints Committee (Women?s Grievance Redressal Committee) | Internal Complaints Committee (Women?s Grievance Redressal Committee).jpg |
7 | Student Grievance Redressal Committee | Student Grievance Redressal Committee.pdf |
8 | Internal Complaints Committee and Mechanism | ICC.pdf |
9 | Policy Anti ragging committee | Policy Anti ragging committee.pdf |
10 | Policy of Internal Complaints Committee | Policy of ICC.pdf |
11 | Policy of Student Grievance Redressal Committee | Policy of SGRC DVV.pdf |
12 | Anti Ragging Committee and Mechanism | Antiragging Constitution and Mechanism for website final.pdf |
13 | Student Grievance Redressal Committee and Mechanism | SGRC Constitution and Mechanism for website final.pdf |
14 | Training and Placement | Training and Placement 23-24.pdf |