Aim & objective of the department:
Overview of the Department :
Department is well equipped to introduce fundamental subjects mentioned in the B.Pharm and M.Pharm curriculum to the students so that a strong foundation is laid at the very beginning. This foundation serves as the building block for all other subjects in the entire B. Pharm ,M. Pharm course. The faculty members of this department are deep-rooted in synthetic, analytical, computational and biochemistry . Pharmaceutical chemistry department involves many aspects like synthesis, isolation, purification, characterization of anticipated organic compounds that can be used in medicine. The college has post graduate course (M. Pharm) in Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance which deals with the study of physical and chemical examination of pharmaceutical products, designing of key documents, validation of equipment’s, and Analytical Method Validation. Qualitative and quantitative techniques analysis study carried out with the help of modern analytical techniques including instruments like UV, HPLC, IR etc. for drugs, pharmaceuticals and others. Each laboratory of the department is well equipped with state of the art instruments to give hands on experience to the students. The department has successfully organized seminars, conferences etc in the field of organic chemistry and pharmaceutical analysis. The department strives towards publishing their research and review articles in good impact factor journals and also attends, presents their research work in many national and international forum i.e conferences and seminars.
The department is well equipped with following instruments required to conduct the practical’s as per the curriculum and research to meet the current Industry demands.
Research Areas :
Departmental Staff: